I'm Probably Getting Fired

The Future Belongs to the Renaissance Man

Happy Friday and Welcome back to… THE JAILBREAK.
(along with 650+ readers 🗝️ )

[read time: 3 mins]

“Vitruvian Man” - Leonardo Da Vinci

If you follow me on Twitter/𝕏 you’d know that the tech company I work for just got acquired.

(yes I’m also a full-time data engineer AND writer of this kickass newsletter)

And it’s more than likely I’ll get sh*t-canned in the next few weeks… 🔥 🚽 

But I’m not worried.

Over the last 10 years I’ve picked up a quiver of digital skills that could replace my full-time income in a matter of months:

The list goes on… But the reason I learned all of these skills is simple:


Employment ≠ Security

I saw my Dad lose his job during the 2008 financial crisis.

I also saw him learn a new skill, invest in himself, and (along with my Mom) create one of the most successful luxury real estate groups in all of central Texas. (If y’all are reading this, you’re my hero’s ❤️ )

This taught me that employment ≠ security and it’s the reason why I’ve built this massive digital tool belt that’s keeping me from feeling hopeless in the face of a layoff.

Become a modern-day Renaissance Man and secure your future by learning an arsenal of digital skills. (Bonus tip: You can learn all these skills online for free!)

🎥 Video of the Week:


Support me by subscribing to this week’s sponsors!
(I only recommend newsletters that I actually read!)


🤔 Focus Foundry:

(Weekly Tips to Beat Distraction in the Digital Age)

Mind Mapping: Visual tool for organizing thoughts, enhancing creativity, and simplifying complex ideas. It transforms brainstorming into an engaging, colorful journey, linking concepts and fostering innovative thinking.

⚒️ TOOL:
Notion: My 'Second Brain' — effortlessly stores and organizes all your thoughts, reminders, and ideas in a highly customizable space. It's your go-to digital assistant for memory, productivity, and information retrieval.

Stress-Is-Enhancing: Stress can be a powerful tool for personal growth, pushing you to adapt and strengthen your mindset. View stress as an opportunity for growth and it becomes one.

Thanks for reading another issue of THE JAILBREAK!

See you Tuesday,
- Jack Ross ✌️

Jack Ross (Data Engineer, Writer, Nomad)

Chat with me directly by replying to this email, follow me on Twitter for regular updates, and subscribe to my YouTube channel for travel vlogs, tips, and insights on unlocking freedom in the digital age. ❤️